Thursday 25 August 2011

Screen vs. Print Document Design

What is Document Design?
Document design is ‘the field concerned with creating text’ (Shriver, 1997). It incorporate books, pamphlets, posters and other document that combined words and pictures on ways in order to help readers achieve their specific goals for using the text (Shriver, 1997).

Print document, can be defined as print-based document which belong to monomodal text, for example newspaper (Walsh, 2006). In contrast, screen document is considered as multimodal text in non-print form which may incorporate images, music, sound and other, for example email and internet (Walsh, 2006). Thus, there are some different between print document and screen document design.

Print Document
source: Google

Screen Document

Differences between Print document & Screen document
Writing Structure
For print document, writer can write the whole content and build arguments carefully as they can “control” the reader (RedShaw, 2003). Reader will read the whole document from introduction to conclusion (RedShae, 2003). Thus, information can be presented in a logical sequence, supported by peripheral cues (RedShaw, 2003).

According to Dr Jacob Nielsen, 79% of web users only scan the webpage instead of reading word by word (RedShaw, 2003). This is because reading from a computer is 25% slower than reading a print document and it may increase eyestrain (RedShaw, 2003). Therefore, a web document must has a combination of concise, scannable and objective in order to improve its usability and attract reader (Neilsen & Morkes, 1997). Due to most people only scan the page, some guidelines must be used to employ scannable text (Nielsen, 1997):
- highlighted keywords
- meaningful sub-headings
- bulleted lists
- one idea per paragraph
 - 50% word count than conventional writing

 ‘Print design is two-dimensional, which much attention paid to layout’ (Neilsen, 1999) whereas ‘web design is simultaneously one-dimensional and N-dimensional’ (Neilsen, 1999). On the other hand, each view of print design unit is created for a fixed size canvas while screen design allow a scrolling experience for the user as opposed to a canvas experience (Neilsen, 1999).

Reading Process
Print document reader read the whole content (RedShaw, 2003). Writer will know ‘what they have read previously and what they are going to read next’ (RedShaw, 2003). Reader will not get enough information if they scan print document without reading line by line.

Screen document reader always scan the page by picking out keywords or sub-heading (Nielsen, 1997). Reader for multimodal text (screen document included) need to simultaneously process the mseeage in words, images, movements and sound (Walsh, 2006).


New Forms of Media Publishing

source: Google

The mainstream media (print-based text) is now challenged by new forms of media publishing (multimodal text) including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and alternative online newspaper. Based on a survey done by the Pew project for Excellence in Journalism, 41% of respondents get news online, 10% of them only read newspaper and the rest read news online and newspaper (O’Dell, 2011). This showed that the ‘textual shift’ (Walsh, 2006) has altered our communication nowadays.

What is ‘textual shift’? It means our literacy change due to our environment is full of visual, electronic and digital texts today (Walsh, 2006). This has affected the traditional journalism as people switched from mainstream media to new form of media publishing, which provide unlimited and unhidden information.

Mainstream media (print-based text)
source: Google 

New forms of media publishing (multimodal text)
source: Google

source: Google

Twitter has altered the roles of traditional journalism as ‘twitter had ‘broken’ the story before the mainstream media had own even altered their regular programming’ (Berkowitz, 2008). There was an example showed Twitter reached out to people faster. Twitter first released the death of Michael Jackson before it was confirmed by the mainstream media news (Munk, 2009). On the other hand, research showed that 60% of bloggers and 36 % of online reporters use Twitter to search for stories (Rao, 2010).

Affordance means ‘what is made possible by the modes used’ (Walsh, 2006). The affordance of Twitter is it allows multimodal text with 140 characters as status update. We can update readers right after we get something new. Based on the examples and reasons above, the emergence of new media ecosystem has altered the way we communicate.


Blogging Community

What is a Blogging Community?
Bock stated that ‘communities are characterized by three things: common interest, frequent interaction and identification,’ and these three things must all appear on online space to form an online community (White, 2005). Thus, blogging community is a group of people who have similar area of interest and they connect and interact with each other via blogs.

Types of Blogging Community 
Nancy White (2006) has identified three types of blogging communities including the single blog/blogger centric community, the central connecting topic community and the boundaried community.

The Single Blog/Blogger Centric Community
The blog is owned by one person or an organization but might consists of one or more blogger. Blogger has the power to set their own rules and remove comment as he is the central blogger (White, 2006). In this community, the commentors are not able to control the blog’s topic and bloggers are not able to control the discussion flow by commentors (White, 2006).

The Central Connecting Topic Community
In this community, blogs that share similar interests or topic are linked together and create a combination of domain within the community (White, 2006). For example, food blogs and fashion blogs. Different technologies are supporting the structure of this community as bloggers use tags, hyperlinks and blogrolls to link with each other (White, 2006).

The Boundaried Community
It is a collection of blogs and readers are hosted on a particular blog (White, 2006). The power lies on the platform owner and the members are required to register in order to create a blog (White, 2006). This kind of community has some additional tools such as discussion board, wikis, social networking features and instant messaging which enable members to communicate with each other (White, 2006).

Global Voices

Global Voices is considered as the central connecting topic community because it use technologies incorporate hyperlinks, aggregated feeds, tagging and other to connect one blogs to another (White, 2006). Global Voices is a community blog that bloggers emphasis on voices that are not usually heard in mainstream media. More than 300 bloggers and translators are grouped together to support each other and share some particular issues.


Classification of Blogs

People blog for different reasons, and they usually combine everything including photos, videos and links. It is difficult to classify blogs based on the contents and there are some examples of classification of blog. Blogs can be classified as below:
1.       Subject Matter:




2.       Device:

Moblog (mobile blogging)
source: Google
3.       Media type:

A blog that contains video clips.

A blog that provide other blog's URL.
source: LinkLog

A blog that consists of image, especially sketches and other drawings.
source: Sketchblog

A short and concise blog that provides little information.

4.       Status of publishers:

Business Blog

Corporate Blog

Margaret Simons's Classification System
According to Margaret Simons (2008), blogs are classified into 9 categories:
1.       Pamphleteering Blog: A blog where people share their views on current political and social movement issue.
2.       Digest Blog: A blog that collect or summarize information from other resource especially mainstream media but with limited analysis.
3.       Advocacy Blog: A blog that pushing a particular point of view on a particular topic or issue and it is a subset of pamphleteering.
4.       Popular Mechanics Blog: A blog that provide information and training on how things worked with mechanics in specialist field.
5.        Exhibition Blog: Blogs that maintained by craftpeoples, writers, artists and they bring their creations to a larger audience.
6.       Gatewatcher Blog: Blogs that keep an eye on the media.
7.       Diary Blog: A personal blog that used to publish personal information and are intended for the friends and family only.
8.       Advertisement Blog: Blogs used by companies for advertising purpose.
9.       News Blog: Blogs that provide break news.

Tom Haskin's Classification System
On the other hand, Tom Haskin (Oech, 2007) came up with another classification of blogs based on different motivations for blogging:

1.       Distraction Blog: A personal blog that blogger motivated by mood changing and relief.
2.       Achive Blog: Bloggers motivated by own expertise and passionate to share experience with others to help them.
3.       Conversation Blog: A blog where people can comment and share their idea on a particular topic.
4.       Democratic Blog: Bloggers motivated by their envisioned future and there blog help changing the social dynamics.

Compare the two classification system above, Margaret’s classification is much deeper and clearer on aspects of blogging. Tom’s classification may not reliable as one blog can fall into all four categories. In my opinion, blogs classified based on subject matter or topic is better as it is easier to search and read them.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Blogs as current phenomenon

The size of current blogosphere
Blogging is now a major issue amongst millions of internet users all around the world. As blogging has become a phenomenon for people to share their opinions and build relations, the size of blogosphere is increasing. State of the Blogosphere 2008 undertaken by Technorati stated that almost 185 million people own blogs worldwide and the size of blogosphere increase double in every 6 months. The graph below shows how dramatic blogosphere enlarge by 2008.

According to Technorati, bloggers are generally blogging more in 2009 than in 2008 (Technorati, 2010). The pie chart below reveals that there are a large amount of bloggers around the world.

Blogging trend in Asia & Malaysia
Blogging trend in Asia and Malaysia are fast because nearly half Asian internet users have blog (PR Newswire, n.d.) and Malaysia’s bloggers rank among the highest in the world (The Star Online, 2008). In Malaysia, political blogs are prevalent. Jeff Ooi stated that Malaysia politician’s blogs scored the highest across Asia (Ooi, 2006). There is a research showed that 70% of the election results were affected by information in the blogs (The Star Online, 2008).
Political blogs provide benefit to Malaysian community as they provide alternative and hidden information which are not presented by the mainstream newspaper, an organization that controlled by the government. On the other hand, politician and people can discuss their political view through political blogs such as Jeff Ooi’s blog and Anwar Ibrahim’s blog.

  • Blogging phenomenon sweeps Asia n.d., PR Newswire, viewed 21 August 2011,


    Monday 22 August 2011

    The Purpose of This Blog

    This blog will examine current issues in publication and design including blogging phenomenon and media publishing. I would like to share this blog with anyone who is interested with certain issues in publication and design. Thus, my coursemate, IPD lecturer and practitioners in media industry are my target audience.