Wednesday 24 August 2011

Blogs as current phenomenon

The size of current blogosphere
Blogging is now a major issue amongst millions of internet users all around the world. As blogging has become a phenomenon for people to share their opinions and build relations, the size of blogosphere is increasing. State of the Blogosphere 2008 undertaken by Technorati stated that almost 185 million people own blogs worldwide and the size of blogosphere increase double in every 6 months. The graph below shows how dramatic blogosphere enlarge by 2008.

According to Technorati, bloggers are generally blogging more in 2009 than in 2008 (Technorati, 2010). The pie chart below reveals that there are a large amount of bloggers around the world.

Blogging trend in Asia & Malaysia
Blogging trend in Asia and Malaysia are fast because nearly half Asian internet users have blog (PR Newswire, n.d.) and Malaysia’s bloggers rank among the highest in the world (The Star Online, 2008). In Malaysia, political blogs are prevalent. Jeff Ooi stated that Malaysia politician’s blogs scored the highest across Asia (Ooi, 2006). There is a research showed that 70% of the election results were affected by information in the blogs (The Star Online, 2008).
Political blogs provide benefit to Malaysian community as they provide alternative and hidden information which are not presented by the mainstream newspaper, an organization that controlled by the government. On the other hand, politician and people can discuss their political view through political blogs such as Jeff Ooi’s blog and Anwar Ibrahim’s blog.

  • Blogging phenomenon sweeps Asia n.d., PR Newswire, viewed 21 August 2011,


    1 comment:

    1. Very informative-a good read. If relevant new media concepts are related to blogging phenomenon, it'll be better still. Good job!
