Thursday 25 August 2011

Classification of Blogs

People blog for different reasons, and they usually combine everything including photos, videos and links. It is difficult to classify blogs based on the contents and there are some examples of classification of blog. Blogs can be classified as below:
1.       Subject Matter:




2.       Device:

Moblog (mobile blogging)
source: Google
3.       Media type:

A blog that contains video clips.

A blog that provide other blog's URL.
source: LinkLog

A blog that consists of image, especially sketches and other drawings.
source: Sketchblog

A short and concise blog that provides little information.

4.       Status of publishers:

Business Blog

Corporate Blog

Margaret Simons's Classification System
According to Margaret Simons (2008), blogs are classified into 9 categories:
1.       Pamphleteering Blog: A blog where people share their views on current political and social movement issue.
2.       Digest Blog: A blog that collect or summarize information from other resource especially mainstream media but with limited analysis.
3.       Advocacy Blog: A blog that pushing a particular point of view on a particular topic or issue and it is a subset of pamphleteering.
4.       Popular Mechanics Blog: A blog that provide information and training on how things worked with mechanics in specialist field.
5.        Exhibition Blog: Blogs that maintained by craftpeoples, writers, artists and they bring their creations to a larger audience.
6.       Gatewatcher Blog: Blogs that keep an eye on the media.
7.       Diary Blog: A personal blog that used to publish personal information and are intended for the friends and family only.
8.       Advertisement Blog: Blogs used by companies for advertising purpose.
9.       News Blog: Blogs that provide break news.

Tom Haskin's Classification System
On the other hand, Tom Haskin (Oech, 2007) came up with another classification of blogs based on different motivations for blogging:

1.       Distraction Blog: A personal blog that blogger motivated by mood changing and relief.
2.       Achive Blog: Bloggers motivated by own expertise and passionate to share experience with others to help them.
3.       Conversation Blog: A blog where people can comment and share their idea on a particular topic.
4.       Democratic Blog: Bloggers motivated by their envisioned future and there blog help changing the social dynamics.

Compare the two classification system above, Margaret’s classification is much deeper and clearer on aspects of blogging. Tom’s classification may not reliable as one blog can fall into all four categories. In my opinion, blogs classified based on subject matter or topic is better as it is easier to search and read them.

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