Friday 18 November 2011

Go for e-books!

As a student, I agree that e-book is more convenient as compared with print-based book. We don’t need to find a book among thousand books in library but we can found an e-book easily through e-books search engine. Thus, e-books should be encouraged.
In the article ‘how e-textbooks, online modules could keep journalism education current’, Capelato (2011) discussed about today advance technology is pushing e-textbooks to replace traditional textbooks. People can save time and money by subscribing e-textbooks as compared with buying a new book (Capelato, 2011). Besides, a new book can become old book after it is published in printed form whereas e-textbooks can update the book once it is released (Capelato, 2011). Today, CourseSmart provides more than 90 percent of e-textbooks at the same time Inkling has cooperated with pulishers like McGraw-Hill and Pearson to provide e-textbook (Capelato, 2011).
A survey done by ebrary in 2007 showed that among 6492 students, 3717 students know that their school library provides e-books while 3132 do not use it (McKiel, 2007). 41 percent of them agree that e-book is good and 64 percent of them think e-book is not confusing (McKiel, 2007). On the other hand, the release of Kindle Book by Amazon in 2009 and iPad by Apple in 2010 have boost the usage and demand for e-books in tablet form (Cornwall, 2010). Thus, many publishers realized that they have to go digital otherwise they would not be able to survive (Cornwall, 2010). There is a prediction that 50 percent of books will be published in e-books form in the future (Cornwall, 2010).

Kindle Book
source: Google

iPad e-book
source: Google

A study by Greg Kozak discovered that produce a printed book take three times more raw materials and 78 times more water than produce an e-book (Siegle, 2009). Thus, e-books are eco-friendly. In addition, e-books can present something that books cannot such as elements on the screen can move around, fall down or jump down (Schroeder, 2010). 
The following is a good example of interesting e-book, ‘Alice for the iPad’:
Alice for the iPad
source: YouTube

Therefore, in order to follow the footstep of technology today, one must go for e-books as it is more convenient and more advantages than printed books.


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