Friday 18 November 2011

iPad-only newspaper? NO!

In my opinion, I do not hope iPad to replace newspaper in the future. This is because iPad is not affordable for everyone and it is inconvenient due to its usability problem. In contrast, the traditional hold and fold newspaper is more convenient as we can get it everywhere and it is easy to read.

According to the article ‘iPad-only newspaper furthers media trend’, Trotter (2011) stated that news consumption will transfer from traditional newspaper to iPad-only newspaper in the future. People can get the latest news faster and choose to read news based on their preference through iPad (Trotter, 2011). Trotter (2011) stated that the continuing decrease of the print-based newspaper circulation further emphasis that iPad is a cheaper and more convenient choice for people.

However, usability guru Jakob Nielsen’s company Nielsen Norman Group has published two reports show that iPad has a number of usability problems. In the first report which published during 2010, Nielsen examined the first-generation of iPad and found that iPad ‘overemphasising the attractiveness and hiding the functionality’ (Schofield, 2010). For example the different function of every application often confuse users as they need to learn different things for every single application and it is complicated (Schofield, 2010). Furthermore, iPad has problem with its touch table format as people easy to touch the wrong place because its touchable area are too small (Schofield, 2011).

The second report which published in 2011 tested 26 iPad applications and 6 websites with 16 testers, who have at least two months experience using iPad (Nielsen & Budiu, 2011). Many usability problems have been discovered including swipe ambiguity, touchable areas are too small and low discoverability (Nielsen & Budiu, 2011). It can be see that iPad’s touchable areas problem were remained as many users always avoid the  registration process with the reason dislike typing on the screen (Nielsen & Budiu, 2011). Users often face accidental activation problem due to lack of Back button in many applications (Nielsen & Budiu, 2011). Moreover, Nielsen & Budiu (2011) found that the iPad’s applications covered limited content and the design of applications were confusing. Thus, iPad is not suitable to replace newspaper.

Walsh (2006) stated that literature text serves a different purpose from hypertext or websites. So, newspaper would not be obsolete as it may provide more information and it is more convenient as compare to iPad.

  • Walsh, M 2006, The ‘textual shift’: examining the reading process with print visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, pp.24-37.

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